Help! There Are Mushrooms in My Mulch
mushroom growing in mulch
Why are there so many mushrooms in my mulch and grass?! We’ve heard this question A LOT this year and the short answer is; its been really wet and rainy! While harmless to plants, mushrooms can be an ugly addition to your flower bed; if eaten by a curious child or pet, it could make them sick.
The good news is that there are several ways to get rid of these unsightly additions. The experts at Hively have put together a list of the most effective ways to combat mushrooms appearing in your mulch beds. Follow the advice below to win back your beds!
Mushrooms need a wet environment to thrive. Using a rake and mixing up your mulch will loosen up the mulch a bit and provide a better opportunity for it to dry out, as well as break up any existing mushroom colonies.
If your mulch beds are under a tree, consider trimming back the tree’s branches, allowing sunlight to reach the mulch bed. This will help dry out the mulch and make it more difficult for mushrooms to grow.
Mushrooms feast on deteriorating vegetation, so your old mulch is the perfect meal for them. If it’s been a while since you’ve mulched, it may be wise to remove the old mulch and any mushrooms you see. You can then turn the soil and add a new layer of fresh mulch, removing any potential food for new mushroom growth.
There are a few treatment options if you find yourself in a fight against mushrooms in your mulch. The most common treatment option is adding a general purpose fungicide. If the plants in your mulch bed enjoy a more neutral soil, you could add lime to your existing soil since mushrooms prefer more acidity.
Leave Them
If it seems that no matter what you do your mulch bed is destined to house mushrooms, you can embrace them. As long as you don’t have artillery fungus (clusters of tiny, cup-shaped fungus with black “eggs” inside), you can leave the mushrooms in your garden without worry. We’ve even seen some creative gardening ideas that incorporate gnomes and other decorations that complement the look.
If you need help trimming larger trees, revamping your mulch beds, or any other larger project that may need an experienced touch, give Hively a call at 717-292-5696 and we’d be happy to help!